Sunday, February 17, 2008

Other issues you may have missed

Some other issues are addressed here that aren't often talked about, covering Arts, Katrina, and Gun Control, including ideas for an Artists Corp, giving health care to artists, strengthening public transportation, and rebuilding New Orleans and surrounding areas.

Obama and Edwards man-hug caught on camera

Potential endorsement? Friendly game of Trivial Pursuit? Know one knows!

Comparing Obama and Clinton's approach to dealing with hecklers.

Bill Clinton -
Barack Obama -

Real reasons to vote for Barack Obama

I'm trying to stay away from anti-Clinton links, but there are enough pro-Obama ones here to make it worth posting. Also, bookmark that site, because it's awesome and has a lot of good links as well!

Ohio Town's Democrats See 'Hope' Differently

Recommended read for those interested in the realities of Ohio. - "Deteriorata"

Obama inspiring response to 'Just Words' Clinton critique

From youtube:

Last 10 minutes of Barack Obama's speech in Milwaukee on 2/16 where he responds to Hillary Clinton's recent criticism he is all talk - and good speeches don't necessarily produce results.

Summary of Obama's record in the Illinois State Senate

Big thanks to goon "Eggplant999"

Don't forget, rally in Houston, Tuesday, February 19

Toyota Center
1510 Polk Street
Houston, TX

Doors open at 6pm. Get there early! There's nothing like hearing the guy in the same room as you, believe me!

Obama picks up endorsement from prominent Latino entertainer