Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chasing the Flame: Samantha Power on BookTV

If you have 90 minutes to spare, this is an awesome video of Samantha Power, foreign policy advisor to Obama.

Thanks to "frunksock" for posting this.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Obama girl has new video

This is news to me, didn't know there was a first video. This is pretty funny though!

Thanks "gohmak"

A rabbi's endorsement article

This is a good read from Barack's neighbor in Chicago, a rabbi.

Thanks "Tortolia"

Monday, March 24, 2008

Win dinner with Barack Obama

WOW, this is an awesome idea. Basically, if you've never given to the campaign before, do it by the end of the week and you might win a free trip to go have dinner with Barry, on him, with 3 other people.

Posted by goon "Yancee"

Various Endorsements

Ex-Co-Chair for Romney

UFCW in Pennsylvania, 23,000 member-strong Union

Thanks "Eggplant999" and "Tensen," respectively.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama Facts

what the hell is this

Posted by goon "Causality Jane"

Primary News: No Florida Re-Vote

At best we'll see a 50/50 split or maybe they will give all the delegates a half vote. Either way, Florida's trainwreck is finally cleared up and we can move on.

Obama plans major race speech tomorrow

Posted by "DaveWoo"

Some pleasant articles.

These are both good reads, and a good way to get you away from the Wright nonsense that will die down any minute now.

"An hour and a half with Barack Obama"

Thanks "LuckySevens"

"Chatting with the guy from Illinois with the funny name"

Thanks "Tainen"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008 is having an Obama contest

Make the coolest ad about Obama, not more than 30 seconds long. Go to town guys!

Posted by "Simstim"

Monday, March 10, 2008

Obama completely shuts down "Dream Ticket" nonsense.

Thanks to forum poster "Boofasten"

Full transcription here.

Thanks to forum poster "cocteau"

Videos are up, one at MSNBC, high quality too, and one up at youtube, a lower quality video that is shorter.

Posted by "Vince McMahon" and "Butlercide," respectively.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Bill Foster wins today! Wait.. who's Bill Foster?

This is worth reading about. tl;dr - Obama helps get a guy elected, McCain helps the guy's rival. Obama's guy, Foster, wins. But there's more to it, so read the article

Thanks "cocteau"

God Hates Obama


(Created by goon named "homo for the holidays" for some reason!)

Math time with goon "Smackbilly"

Math fun time:

Obama's delegate spread following the Wyoming caucus is better than it was before March 4. Hillary has gained nothing.

According to CNN, the pledged delegates have broken:

TX (Primary): Clinton +4
OH: Clinton +12
RI: Clinton +5
VT: Obama +3
Subtotal: Clinton +18

TX (Caucus) delegates have not been projected yet, but if take the current 56/44 results and assume that the 67 caucus delegates will be apportioned that way, that makes

TX (Caucus): Obama +9
Subtotal: Clinton +9

Wyoming is splitting 7-4 +1 bonus for Obama, so

WY: Obama +4
Subtotal: Clinton +5

And according to , from March 4 until now, Obama has gained 10 superdelegate endorsements, and clinton has gained 4, so

Superdelegates (since 3/4): Obama +6

Oh, and it looks like California is finished counting votes and the delegate count has slightly shifted, giving Obama another +3 or +4.

Not a bad week :)

A win in Wyoming!

Contests won with 60% or more of the vote:

Barack Obama: 14 States + DC + VI
* Virgin Islands (89.9%)
* Idaho (79%)
* Hawaii (76%)
* Alaska (75%)
* District of Columbia (75%)
* Kansas (74%)
* Washington (68%)
* Nebraska (68%)
* Minnesota (67%)
* Colorado (67%)
* Georgia (67%)
* Illinois (65%)
* Virginia (64%)
* Maryland (62%)
* Wyoming (61%)
* North Dakota (61%)

Hillary Clinton: 1 State
* Arkansas (70%)

Posted by goon "Eggplant999"

Saturday, March 8, 2008

How much do goons give, Part I

Forum poster "Pillowpants" has spent a lot of time recently going through all non-archived Obamarama threads and coming up with some statistics about donations. Here is the post he made today with some results.

Final Numbers: After Reading Threads 12-25, getting A LOT of PMs and IM's, reading 1415 pages, 52,175 posts, and seeing our threads have over 3 million page views (13 and 14 were moved to the archives before I could get a pageview number out of them, but 15-25 have 2.6 million page views.)

Going by Threads
Thread 25 3835.72
Thread 24 1405.14
Thread 23 3627.54
Thread 22 4977.14
Thread 21 1843.19
Thread 20 1665.06
Thread 19 6120.09
Thread 18 5864.69
Thread 17 2049.25
Thread 16 3416.25
Thread 15 21051.55
Thread 14 7876.62
Thread 13 3663.76
Total: $67396

Individual Donations
Donors: 752 donors, 1144 donations
Total cash raised: $80,091.04
Total Pennies Donated: $17.30
Total $ per donation: $70
Total $ per donor: $106.50

Again....The total donated has hit eighty thousand dollars.

We stopped donating on Thread 24 and he lost two major primaries. This can't happen.

So again, if you have private messaging enabled, send me one with your Donation total, # of donations, and whether or not you want to be identified.

I have 3 Goons who want to remain anonymous who have donated a total of $505.80. I will add you to that.

If you have AIM, my screen name is pillowpants1982. Catch me there, I will be on all day.

Once again, $80,000!!!!

Great job people.

Turns out the child in the 3am ad is a caucus precinct captain for Obama.

Here is the article.

Posted by goon "Data"

At last, Obama's put the "dream ticket" theory to rest

Thanks "Tensen"

Wyoming caucus results

Check for results as they continue to come in.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wyoming caucus info

Everything you need in one place

Thanks "Happylisk"

Obama pulls in $55 Million for Febuary

I want to add some more news to David's note about the state of the race.

As you know, we've won 27 of 41 contests and have maintained our commanding lead among pledged delegates.

But today I want to share another staggering number: supporters like you donated more than $55 million to this campaign in the month of February.

That's a humbling achievement, and I am very grateful for your support.

No campaign has ever raised this much in a single month in the history of presidential primaries. But more important than the total is how we did it -- more than 90% of donations were $100 or less, and more than 385,000 new donors in February pushed us past our goal of more than 1,000,000 people owning a piece of this campaign.

From the beginning, this campaign has always been funded by a movement of grassroots supporters giving whatever they can afford. And unlike Senator Clinton and Senator McCain, we have never taken money from lobbyists or PACs.

Senator Clinton has decided to use her resources to wage a negative, throw-everything-including-the-kitchen-sink campaign. John McCain has clinched the Republican nomination and is attacking us daily. But I will continue to vigorously defend my record and make the case for change that will improve the lives of all Americans.

Despite your generosity in February, I need your help to continue this battle on two separate fronts.

Please make a donation of $25 today:

Thank you for your support,


Stats from the campaign:

* Contributors: 727,972
* First Time Contributors: 385,101
* Total Contributors – Campaign to Date: 1,069,333

Online Fundraising:

* More than $45 million raised online in February
* More than 90% of online donations were $100 or less
* More than 50% of online donations were $25 or less
* More than 75% of online donors in February were first-time online donors
* More than a third of those new online donors in February went on to engage in volunteer activity on (planning their own offline events, making phone calls from home, joining local grassroots volunteer groups)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Georgia superdelegate joins the team

With that one, Obama has picked up over a dozen supers in the last week, and by the time the week is over, he will most likely get close to, or even tie up/overcome the gain made by Clinton on Tuesday.

Thanks "DudeDeuce"

CBC Exonerates Obama: A Post-Mortem

The NAFTA thing was never an issue to begin with, but now with this out, it's officially over. Read this and get the facts so we can end this issue.

Posted by goon "greatn"

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Post-Tuesday Post

I have been too busy to update this enough, so here are some results from last night:



Rhode Island

A 'loss' in all three? Not exactly. Here is the email coming from Barack's campaign, which sums it up pretty nicely.

Projections show the most likely outcome of yesterday's elections will be that Hillary Clinton gained 187 delegates, and we gained 183.

That's a net gain of 4 delegates out of more than 370 delegates available from all the states that voted.

For comparison, that's less than half our net gain of 9 delegates from the District of Columbia alone. It's also less than our net gain of 8 from Nebraska, or 12 from Washington State. And it's considerably less than our net gain of 33 delegates from Georgia.

The task for the Clinton campaign yesterday was clear. In order to have a plausible path to the nomination, they needed to score huge delegate victories and cut into our lead.

They failed.

It's clear, though, that Senator Clinton wants to continue an increasingly desperate, increasingly negative -- and increasingly expensive -- campaign to tear us down.

That's her decision. But it's not stopping John McCain, who clinched the Republican nomination last night, from going on the offensive. He's already made news attacking Barack, and that will only become more frequent in the coming days.

Right now, it's essential for every single supporter of Barack Obama to step up and help fight this two-front battle. In the face of attacks from Hillary Clinton and John McCain, we need to be ready to take them on.

Will you make an online donation of $25 right now?

The chatter among pundits may have gotten better for the Clinton campaign after last night, but by failing to cut into our lead, the math -- and their chances of winning -- got considerably worse.

Today, we still have a lead of more than 150 delegates, and there are only 611 pledged delegates left to win in the upcoming contests.

By a week from today, we will have competed in Wyoming and Mississippi. Two more states and 45 more delegates will be off the table.

But if Senator Clinton wants to continue this, let's show that we're ready.

Make an online donation of $25 now to show you're willing to fight for this:

This nomination process is an opportunity to decide what our party needs to stand for in this election.

We can either take on John McCain with a candidate who's already united Republicans and Independents against us, or we can do it with a campaign that's united Americans from all parties around a common purpose.

We can debate John McCain about who can clean up Washington by nominating a candidate who's taken more money from lobbyists than he has, or we can do it with a campaign that hasn't taken a dime of their money because we've been funded by you.

We can present the American people with a candidate who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with McCain on the worst foreign policy disaster of our generation, and agrees with him that George Bush deserves the benefit of the doubt on Iran, or we can nominate someone who opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning and will not support a march to war with Iran.

John McCain may have a long history of straight talk and independent thinking, but he has made the decision in this campaign to offer four more years of the very same policies that have failed us for the last eight.

We need a Democratic candidate who will present the starkest contrast to those failed policies of the past.

And that candidate is Barack Obama.

Please make a donation of $25 now:

Thank you,


David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Vermont called for Obama!!

All major news outlets have called VT for Obama. According to CNN, he also won virtually every demographic:

And Al at The Field says this:

"Obama will win more delegates in Vermont than the +5 The Field forecasted."

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Dean Legacy - interesting look at party dynamics

Thanks "chesh"


If you're in a state that hasn't voted yet and need campaigning materials not available through the store, try posting on the above site.

Wired had an article about it today and it looks like people are having a lot of success forwarding Obama materials on to folks in states that have yet to vote.

Posted by goon "RhondaPiper"