Wednesday, February 27, 2008

:obama: v3.0

Created by "Zhentar" again!

Noticed similarities between Matt Santos of the West Wing and Barack Obama?

This Slate video explains how it's not an accident. I've never seen The West Wing, but if you have, this is supposedly pretty cool!

Posted by "Deteriorata"

Judaism, Obama, and last night's debate

Most Improved Debater: In what may be the final debate, Obama shows how he's grown.

Thanks Justin

Maine Superdelegate Backs Obama

With Maine Democratic Party Vice Chair, Democratic National Committee Member and Maine Superdelegate Marianne Stevens on board, that makes +8 for Obama in the last 2 days!

Thanks "Eggplant999"

Expertinent: Why the Obama "Brand" Is Working

Posted by "tommyjohn"

Obama's Real Experience: His Candidacy

Posted by "SiLk-2k5"


Around 4:45am, we hit the millionth donor to the campaign. That's individual, unique people who have made a donation. That's around 1 in every 300 Americans. At the debate tonight Obama said the average donation was around $109 I think. Personally, most people I know I giving around the $25-50 range (+$0.01), so if you're still on the fence about giving, remember, everything counts, so even that $5 you think won't matter.. well.. it will! Be part of history and give a few bucks!

The Wizard talks about the debate

Posted by goon "Eggplant999"

A cache of Obama photos

Here's some coolness to break up what will be a week of stroke-worthy tension!

Thanks Erica

Hillary baits Obama on anti-Semetism

One of my personal favorite parts of the debate.