Posted by "DaveWoo," and already passed on to my Jewish family!
Friday, February 29, 2008
"Larry Horse" makes youtubes about Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton's new Obama ad, as requested:
and the others I did today:
Bill vs. Hillary, Hope vs. Fear
Hillary Will Kill Your Children
All created by goon "Larry Horse"
and the others I did today:
Bill vs. Hillary, Hope vs. Fear
Hillary Will Kill Your Children
All created by goon "Larry Horse"
A Gay Post
Gay Clinton backers defect to Obama, eroding another bastion
Obama's gay push
Obama's gay push
Texas Republicans cross over to vote for Obama
True support combines with stop-Clinton sentiment in next week’s primary, February 28, 2008
Deep Hurting Twitter site
Goon "Deep Hurting" has a Twitter site you can check to keep up with his stuff. He is a great artist and has done some fantastic political cartoon work.
Obama fights false links to Islam
Posted by goon "Eggplant999"
Posted by goon "Eggplant999"
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Noticed similarities between Matt Santos of the West Wing and Barack Obama?
This Slate video explains how it's not an accident. I've never seen The West Wing, but if you have, this is supposedly pretty cool!
Posted by "Deteriorata"
This Slate video explains how it's not an accident. I've never seen The West Wing, but if you have, this is supposedly pretty cool!
Posted by "Deteriorata"
Maine Superdelegate Backs Obama
With Maine Democratic Party Vice Chair, Democratic National Committee Member and Maine Superdelegate Marianne Stevens on board, that makes +8 for Obama in the last 2 days!
Thanks "Eggplant999"
With Maine Democratic Party Vice Chair, Democratic National Committee Member and Maine Superdelegate Marianne Stevens on board, that makes +8 for Obama in the last 2 days!
Thanks "Eggplant999"

Around 4:45am, we hit the millionth donor to the campaign. That's individual, unique people who have made a donation. That's around 1 in every 300 Americans. At the debate tonight Obama said the average donation was around $109 I think. Personally, most people I know I giving around the $25-50 range (+$0.01), so if you're still on the fence about giving, remember, everything counts, so even that $5 you think won't matter.. well.. it will! Be part of history and give a few bucks!
A cache of Obama photos
Here's some coolness to break up what will be a week of stroke-worthy tension!
Thanks Erica
Here's some coolness to break up what will be a week of stroke-worthy tension!
Thanks Erica
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The Questionaire in question
In case anybody brings it up as an attack, here is all you need.
Thanks "bird rib"
In case anybody brings it up as an attack, here is all you need.
Thanks "bird rib"
Don't forget tonight's debate 9pm ET!
Keep the Obamarama thread clean by using this debate thread!
Time: 9:00-10:T (re-aired at midnight)
Location: Cleveland State University
Moderators: Brian Williams & Tim Russert
Participants: Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama
Where to watch: Live on MSNBC and streamed live on
Why to watch: Tonight's debate will be quite a sight to behold. I honestly expect an implosion of cosmic proportions on Hillary's part. Every day since the last debate has been a new, somehow more ridiculous spectacle erupting from her campaign. This "kitchen sink fusillade" plus Obama's calm under fire plus the MSNBC crew's penchant for not giving a shit about substantive issues tells me tonight will end up being a sound thrashing for the Senatorfrom born in Illinois. I was worried for the last debate. I'm excited for this one.
Posted by "doctor thodt"
Time: 9:00-10:T (re-aired at midnight)
Location: Cleveland State University
Moderators: Brian Williams & Tim Russert
Participants: Hillary Clinton & Barack Obama
Where to watch: Live on MSNBC and streamed live on
Why to watch: Tonight's debate will be quite a sight to behold. I honestly expect an implosion of cosmic proportions on Hillary's part. Every day since the last debate has been a new, somehow more ridiculous spectacle erupting from her campaign. This "kitchen sink fusillade" plus Obama's calm under fire plus the MSNBC crew's penchant for not giving a shit about substantive issues tells me tonight will end up being a sound thrashing for the Senator
Posted by "doctor thodt"
Sen. Christopher Dodd to Endorse Obama
Posted by goon "4wheel4chan"
Posted by goon "4wheel4chan"
Monday, February 25, 2008
Texas early voting results
The field has some analysis
Direct link
Direct link
"Bon Clay" needs help fighting the 'muslim clothing' attack.
To combat the Obama in "muslim clothing" meme, I'm starting a photobucket to catalog all of the instances of officials wearing foreign clothing. So far we've got Laura Bush, Chelsea Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi in hijabs--hardly radical Islamic collaborators, right? If you guys have any more of these pictures, post them here so I can put it up and we have an easy reference for rebuttals.
Goon "idhindsight" issues a challenge
Hey guys, I've been following the campaign and these threads for some time. I always thought Obama seemed like a pretty good guy, and I heard great things about his new message of hope, but up until December or so, I didn't think he had much of a chance.
I was always a disenfranchised independent; I never found any candidates that really shared my views nor did I feel that anyone stood for me. Out of my own interest (and at the behest of my wife to please vote -- I was seriously considering not voting at all this year since Hillary was the clear nominee for so long) I took a few of the small polls on the web that show which candidates are most in line with your political beliefs. Barack Obama came out with 80% or more inline with my beliefs on every single poll.
So I became more and more interested, and started following these threads.
I went from a disenfranchised man with nothing but contempt for the state of our political process, to a casual supporter, and finally today I have donated $50.01 through the great City Name to Barack Hussein Obama, my President.
I'm just a married young white father of one in rusty Ohio, and it's only $50.01. It's all I can do. But with your help, we can do more.
Help me make it $500.10.
I'm calling on ten goons to match me by the start of the Cleveland debates, 9PM EST Tuesday, February 26th, 2008.
Yes We Can
EDIT: I made a fundraiser on to keep track of this! Donate here:
I was always a disenfranchised independent; I never found any candidates that really shared my views nor did I feel that anyone stood for me. Out of my own interest (and at the behest of my wife to please vote -- I was seriously considering not voting at all this year since Hillary was the clear nominee for so long) I took a few of the small polls on the web that show which candidates are most in line with your political beliefs. Barack Obama came out with 80% or more inline with my beliefs on every single poll.
So I became more and more interested, and started following these threads.
I went from a disenfranchised man with nothing but contempt for the state of our political process, to a casual supporter, and finally today I have donated $50.01 through the great City Name to Barack Hussein Obama, my President.
I'm just a married young white father of one in rusty Ohio, and it's only $50.01. It's all I can do. But with your help, we can do more.
Help me make it $500.10.
I'm calling on ten goons to match me by the start of the Cleveland debates, 9PM EST Tuesday, February 26th, 2008.
Yes We Can
EDIT: I made a fundraiser on to keep track of this! Donate here:
The worst rendition of the National Anthem ever recorded¤t=abc_obama_anthem_071022a.flv
Oh also it's from when that awesome picture of Obama not putting his hand over his heart was taken (remember hand over heart is not technically proper, not that putting a part of your body over another part, symbolic or not, is worth anything in terms of patriotism!)
Posted by "dm," requested by "Fix"
Oh also it's from when that awesome picture of Obama not putting his hand over his heart was taken (remember hand over heart is not technically proper, not that putting a part of your body over another part, symbolic or not, is worth anything in terms of patriotism!)
Posted by "dm," requested by "Fix"
Obama to Reporter: I'm Sorry for "Messing Up Your Game"
This was a nasty weekend in politics, so I'm capping my Sunday night off with this old, but still awesome little piece of news.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Full of goons, part II
"Obama's Kenyan Roots," and "Quien Es Less Macho?"
Two good New York Times articles posted by "Deteriorata"
Obama’s Kenyan Roots¿Quién Es Less Macho?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
A message from "oxygen728" about phonebanking.
Dear Obama Supporters,
Phone banking has been one of the most rewarding experiences that I've ever participated in. I maxed out my donations to Obama, so I made the plunge to do some phone banking two weeks ago. It was a daunting experience for me; I'd never done anything like it in my life. I'd heard that most people are kind of nervous for their first 5 calls or so, but it took me about 35 calls to become comfortable. That first weekend, I made 175 phone calls. Here's how the first 100 turned out:
• Left 32 messages
• Had 1 rude reply
• had 20 failed calls
• Spoke to 4 Republicans who weren't interested
• Had 9 others not interested
• Had 11 calls not answered
• And had 23 others, mostly undecides who i educated about Obama.
• Spoke to a woman with bad English, but she seemed to support Obama.
• Spoke to an old lady about how Obama plans to enact change. This was one of my first calls and I was nervous as can be. I got too flustered and didn't direct her to the issues section of the Obama site. (Note: I redeem myself and more below)
• Spoke to a nice old woman, independent. She says she watches the news righ before & decides who to vote for. I provided her with some good information, but she may be too senile to remember. Perhaps it'll stick in her subconscious.
• After speaking to a registered republican, she says she's going to switch to Democrat and support Obama in the March 8th caucus. I set her up with county clerk info and caucus info.
• Spoke with an Obama supporter, they declined to receive more info.
• Talked to an undecided and directed him to the issues section of the Obama website. I spoke to him about the college tax credit and Obama's Middle East policy. He said he'll probably vote for Obama in the general election, at the very least.
• Spoke to a high school junior-high teacher who says he likes to inform his students about Obama. I directed him to the issues section at the Obama website (which he was unaware of).
• Spoke to an undecided who hung up on me, oops!
Wyoming Again:
• Spoke to a family of supporters, directed them to the website - especially the issues section.
• Spoke to a literal lunatic - but apparently I did a good job and she said she'll try hard to convince her entire family to vote Obama.
• An Obama supporter called me back, and I gave her some good Obama Info.
• Spoke to a republican funny guy - I gave him lots of info and totally redeemed myself on the change question. He said he'll probably support Obama in the general, and we both agreed with McCain lost his touch 8 years ago.
As you can see, it's a lot of failure sprinkled with some great successes. Also notice that I even ask Obama supporters if they have any questions on his policies. Educated supporters are much better than blind supporters - they propagate his message! The way I see it, every 100 phone calls will net an average of 4 new Obama supporters. Think about this: If John Edward's supporters each garnered 4 new Edwards supporters, he would have won every single primary in a landslide and this would be a no-contest democrat primary. This is the power of phone banking. It is daunting work, though - but let me share a few tips with you that will make it a lot easier:
• IGNORE THE NEGATIVE CALLS - FIGHT FOR THE UNDECIDED! This is very important. You need to reinforce this thought before you start and constantly throughout your phone banking experience. Remember, you will be hung up on a lot, and lots of people won't want to hear about Obama. However, we're only doing this to convince the undecided voters and the occasional Clinton supporter!
• Don't follow the script exactly - not even my script. You have to refine the script to fit your style. Write your script down, and come up with a good message script.
Example: If you are a male and the phone banking system at gives you a female name, but a male answers the phone... don't say "Is _female_ there?". This will bring up jealousy issues - introduce yourself and then ask for the female, or just talk to the guy about Obama!
• Always, always, always have the issues section of open in front of you. You want to direct as many people as possible to there as well! If somebody gives you an opportunity, answer any questions they have about Obama's policies by picking an issue from the site that matches the person you're speaking with. (Note: have a few favorites picked out in advance and ask if you can share them with them).
For plenty more tips and my tried and tested phone banking script:
Finally, I'd like to speak to the issue of complacency. Clinton supporters became complacent when she was the frontrunner. Please understand that our most difficult tests to date are soon approaching in Texas and Ohio. We need Obama to win Texas and Ohio to emerge as the early and strongly supported candidate for the general election.
So, please visit and take the pledge to generate 4 new Obama supporters by phone banking, canvassing, donating, or educating friends and family.
If you have any questions, please visit and submit a question to me!
Phone banking has been one of the most rewarding experiences that I've ever participated in. I maxed out my donations to Obama, so I made the plunge to do some phone banking two weeks ago. It was a daunting experience for me; I'd never done anything like it in my life. I'd heard that most people are kind of nervous for their first 5 calls or so, but it took me about 35 calls to become comfortable. That first weekend, I made 175 phone calls. Here's how the first 100 turned out:
• Left 32 messages
• Had 1 rude reply
• had 20 failed calls
• Spoke to 4 Republicans who weren't interested
• Had 9 others not interested
• Had 11 calls not answered
• And had 23 others, mostly undecides who i educated about Obama.
• Spoke to a woman with bad English, but she seemed to support Obama.
• Spoke to an old lady about how Obama plans to enact change. This was one of my first calls and I was nervous as can be. I got too flustered and didn't direct her to the issues section of the Obama site. (Note: I redeem myself and more below)
• Spoke to a nice old woman, independent. She says she watches the news righ before & decides who to vote for. I provided her with some good information, but she may be too senile to remember. Perhaps it'll stick in her subconscious.
• After speaking to a registered republican, she says she's going to switch to Democrat and support Obama in the March 8th caucus. I set her up with county clerk info and caucus info.
• Spoke with an Obama supporter, they declined to receive more info.
• Talked to an undecided and directed him to the issues section of the Obama website. I spoke to him about the college tax credit and Obama's Middle East policy. He said he'll probably vote for Obama in the general election, at the very least.
• Spoke to a high school junior-high teacher who says he likes to inform his students about Obama. I directed him to the issues section at the Obama website (which he was unaware of).
• Spoke to an undecided who hung up on me, oops!
Wyoming Again:
• Spoke to a family of supporters, directed them to the website - especially the issues section.
• Spoke to a literal lunatic - but apparently I did a good job and she said she'll try hard to convince her entire family to vote Obama.
• An Obama supporter called me back, and I gave her some good Obama Info.
• Spoke to a republican funny guy - I gave him lots of info and totally redeemed myself on the change question. He said he'll probably support Obama in the general, and we both agreed with McCain lost his touch 8 years ago.
As you can see, it's a lot of failure sprinkled with some great successes. Also notice that I even ask Obama supporters if they have any questions on his policies. Educated supporters are much better than blind supporters - they propagate his message! The way I see it, every 100 phone calls will net an average of 4 new Obama supporters. Think about this: If John Edward's supporters each garnered 4 new Edwards supporters, he would have won every single primary in a landslide and this would be a no-contest democrat primary. This is the power of phone banking. It is daunting work, though - but let me share a few tips with you that will make it a lot easier:
• IGNORE THE NEGATIVE CALLS - FIGHT FOR THE UNDECIDED! This is very important. You need to reinforce this thought before you start and constantly throughout your phone banking experience. Remember, you will be hung up on a lot, and lots of people won't want to hear about Obama. However, we're only doing this to convince the undecided voters and the occasional Clinton supporter!
• Don't follow the script exactly - not even my script. You have to refine the script to fit your style. Write your script down, and come up with a good message script.
Example: If you are a male and the phone banking system at gives you a female name, but a male answers the phone... don't say "Is _female_ there?". This will bring up jealousy issues - introduce yourself and then ask for the female, or just talk to the guy about Obama!
• Always, always, always have the issues section of open in front of you. You want to direct as many people as possible to there as well! If somebody gives you an opportunity, answer any questions they have about Obama's policies by picking an issue from the site that matches the person you're speaking with. (Note: have a few favorites picked out in advance and ask if you can share them with them).
For plenty more tips and my tried and tested phone banking script:
Finally, I'd like to speak to the issue of complacency. Clinton supporters became complacent when she was the frontrunner. Please understand that our most difficult tests to date are soon approaching in Texas and Ohio. We need Obama to win Texas and Ohio to emerge as the early and strongly supported candidate for the general election.
So, please visit and take the pledge to generate 4 new Obama supporters by phone banking, canvassing, donating, or educating friends and family.
If you have any questions, please visit and submit a question to me!
The NAFTA issue
Check the Audacity of Truth in the links for more information if it gets worse, but today's big attack on Obama is in regards to NAFTA. Here are some links to learn more.
And the Obama response
Thanks to "Eggplant999" for the links.
And the Obama response
Thanks to "Eggplant999" for the links.
A song and dance post
A song called "Si Se Puede Cambiar" (United For Obama)
A bit of dancing from Obama
And finally, Ted Kennedy sings Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes for some reason :)
A bit of dancing from Obama
And finally, Ted Kennedy sings Ay Jalisco No Te Rajes for some reason :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Live near Toledo? Don't forget about the rally this Sunday!
University of Toledo
Savage Hall
2801 West Bancroft
Toledo, OH 43606
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Doors Open: 2:15 p.m.
Program begins: 4:20 p.m.
The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, but an RSVP is encouraged. Space is available on a first come, first-served basis.
For security reasons, do not bring bags and limit personal items. No signs or banners are permitted.
Xerox pdf
Here is a link to the pdf of the xerox image created last night, with the issues address and info at the bottom about being paid for by City Name. Print, distribute, educate!
Texas Early Voting Wave as Reaction to Systemic Disenfranchisement
Yeah Texas, get your vote on!
And this is a good video of the first guy to vote after the 7.2 mile march
Yeah Texas, get your vote on!
And this is a good video of the first guy to vote after the 7.2 mile march
A Post-Debate Megapost
Tonight was the second Clinton/Obama debate, so here are some highlights:
Chuck "The Wizard" Todd brings us some insightful analysis:
And the one word you will hear about all day on Friday:
Thanks "Sir Tonk" for the Chuck Todd article.
"Goodpart" has brought this youtube video to our attention. The entire debate, split into sections, without the cuts that cnn's website has:
Chuck "The Wizard" Todd brings us some insightful analysis:
And the one word you will hear about all day on Friday:
Thanks "Sir Tonk" for the Chuck Todd article.
"Goodpart" has brought this youtube video to our attention. The entire debate, split into sections, without the cuts that cnn's website has:
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Attn: Goons - Debate thread
Here ya go, keep the tviv stuff outta the other threads tonight!
Remember that 21-year old superdelegate the Clinton's were courting?
He made up his mind:
Posted by goon "freezingprocess"
Posted by goon "freezingprocess"
As President, Barack Obama will name a “Chief Technology Officer”
Old news, but it's making the rounds on the internet again, and that's not a bad thing.
Old news, but it's making the rounds on the internet again, and that's not a bad thing.
Don't forget about tonight's debate!
It will be on CNN at 7 CST/ 8 EST, hosted by the University of Texas at Austin. It will only be between Clinton and Obama.
Check out for a link to the feed.
Check out for a link to the feed.
Barack picks up a few supers today.
Bookmark that site to keep track of superdelegates. It's crowded, but has good information!
Bookmark that site to keep track of superdelegates. It's crowded, but has good information!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The new benchmark: One MILLION donors!
Refresh to your heart's content!
Refresh to your heart's content!
Looking for some Obama gear?
Goon "Malinois" brings us this post:
Alright guys, everybody that wants the real Obama schwag just like the Obama Store but you want it NOW, go here:
They have almost everything that you can get from the official site, and they have it in stock. I just ordered both white and blue shirts, buttons, rally signs, and bumper stickers and it is shipping out today.
Very important distinction: Just remember that if you order through them that none of the money will go to the campaign so if you can order you can donate. Try to match money to the campaign accordingly.
Alright guys, everybody that wants the real Obama schwag just like the Obama Store but you want it NOW, go here:
They have almost everything that you can get from the official site, and they have it in stock. I just ordered both white and blue shirts, buttons, rally signs, and bumper stickers and it is shipping out today.
Very important distinction: Just remember that if you order through them that none of the money will go to the campaign so if you can order you can donate. Try to match money to the campaign accordingly.
Hey Obama supports! Get educated and don't be this guy!
Ouch. Use this site, the issues from Barack's homepage, the Audacity of Truth page, and the rest of the internet to ensure this doesn't happen to you! This post was a direct response to the video.
Ouch. Use this site, the issues from Barack's homepage, the Audacity of Truth page, and the rest of the internet to ensure this doesn't happen to you! This post was a direct response to the video.
Foreign Policy article
Posted by goon "WhiskeyJuvenile"
Hawaii called for Obama! 10 in a row!
It's a terrible site, but if you look hard enough in the center, the results are coming in. At the time of this post, a little over 50% in, Obama - 76%, Clinton - 23%
Also, check the usual sources like CNN, who called it first.
That's 2-2 today! Here is the Wisconsin post:
Also, check the usual sources like CNN, who called it first.
That's 2-2 today! Here is the Wisconsin post:
If you need to know what Obama has accomplished in office, here are a few examples
"RedQueen" hooks us up with the following post:
With Clinton sinking, I figure the next two weeks will be filled with more crap throwing than ever. After tonight's brilliant MSNBC showing by the Texas state senator, I figured more people will attack with the legislative background angle. I put this together... if you run across someone who asks you about Obama's background, these are good bills to mention.
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 - Bill Link.
* Co-sponsored by Tom Coburn and Barack Obama, introduced to the Senate on April 6, 2006. Passed the Senate and House. Signed into law by President Bush on September 26.
*Requires the full disclosure of all entities or organizations receiving federal funds beginning in fiscal year 2007 on a website maintained by the Office of Management and Budget.
*Created the very effective
Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act - Info Link.
* Co-sponsored a bill with Chuck Schumer to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections, including fraudulent flyers and automated phone calls, as witnessed in the 2006 midterm elections. On the calendar, but not yet passed into law.
Honest Leadership and Open Government Act - Info Link.
* Worked with Sen. Feingold to to eliminate gifts of travel on corporate jets by lobbyists to members of Congress and require disclosure of bundled campaign contributions under this bill. See link.
Of course there are many more.
With Clinton sinking, I figure the next two weeks will be filled with more crap throwing than ever. After tonight's brilliant MSNBC showing by the Texas state senator, I figured more people will attack with the legislative background angle. I put this together... if you run across someone who asks you about Obama's background, these are good bills to mention.
Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 - Bill Link.
* Co-sponsored by Tom Coburn and Barack Obama, introduced to the Senate on April 6, 2006. Passed the Senate and House. Signed into law by President Bush on September 26.
*Requires the full disclosure of all entities or organizations receiving federal funds beginning in fiscal year 2007 on a website maintained by the Office of Management and Budget.
*Created the very effective
Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act - Info Link.
* Co-sponsored a bill with Chuck Schumer to criminalize deceptive practices in federal elections, including fraudulent flyers and automated phone calls, as witnessed in the 2006 midterm elections. On the calendar, but not yet passed into law.
Honest Leadership and Open Government Act - Info Link.
* Worked with Sen. Feingold to to eliminate gifts of travel on corporate jets by lobbyists to members of Congress and require disclosure of bundled campaign contributions under this bill. See link.
Of course there are many more.
Barack Obama in Houston after winning Wisconsin
There are two parts of this hefty speech, roughly 25 minutes each. Go to town!
Thanks to goon "MarsAttacks" for the links.
Thanks to goon "MarsAttacks" for the links.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Donator Counter
For those of you looking for it, here ya go.
For those of you looking for it, here ya go.
Wisconsin Results - Another Obama win!
Still a lot of votes to count, but all major news networks are calling it for Obama!
Still a lot of votes to count, but all major news networks are calling it for Obama!
Endorsement of Delicious Proportions
Ben and Jerry's scoops out some tasty support for Barack Obama.
Ben and Jerry's scoops out some tasty support for Barack Obama.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Mexican American Democrats Endorse Obama
Oldest Hispanic Group within the Texas Democratic Party Makes Endorsement Following Meeting in Dallas
Oldest Hispanic Group within the Texas Democratic Party Makes Endorsement Following Meeting in Dallas
Clinton, Obama, and Cluster Bombs
For those of you looking for the cluster bomb vote news from a little while back.
Thanks "Hrolf Pyjama"
For those of you looking for the cluster bomb vote news from a little while back.
Thanks "Hrolf Pyjama"
An Obama Refrain Bears Echoes of a Governor’s Speeches
Good article about the recent Duval Patrick speech issue.
Thanks goon "Dogen"
Good article about the recent Duval Patrick speech issue.
Thanks goon "Dogen"
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Other issues you may have missed
Some other issues are addressed here that aren't often talked about, covering Arts, Katrina, and Gun Control, including ideas for an Artists Corp, giving health care to artists, strengthening public transportation, and rebuilding New Orleans and surrounding areas.
Some other issues are addressed here that aren't often talked about, covering Arts, Katrina, and Gun Control, including ideas for an Artists Corp, giving health care to artists, strengthening public transportation, and rebuilding New Orleans and surrounding areas.
Obama and Edwards man-hug caught on camera
Potential endorsement? Friendly game of Trivial Pursuit? Know one knows!
Potential endorsement? Friendly game of Trivial Pursuit? Know one knows!
Real reasons to vote for Barack Obama
I'm trying to stay away from anti-Clinton links, but there are enough pro-Obama ones here to make it worth posting. Also, bookmark that site, because it's awesome and has a lot of good links as well!
I'm trying to stay away from anti-Clinton links, but there are enough pro-Obama ones here to make it worth posting. Also, bookmark that site, because it's awesome and has a lot of good links as well!
Ohio Town's Democrats See 'Hope' Differently
Recommended read for those interested in the realities of Ohio. - "Deteriorata"
Recommended read for those interested in the realities of Ohio. - "Deteriorata"
Obama inspiring response to 'Just Words' Clinton critique
From youtube:
From youtube:
Last 10 minutes of Barack Obama's speech in Milwaukee on 2/16 where he responds to Hillary Clinton's recent criticism he is all talk - and good speeches don't necessarily produce results.
Don't forget, rally in Houston, Tuesday, February 19
Toyota Center
1510 Polk Street
Houston, TX
Doors open at 6pm. Get there early! There's nothing like hearing the guy in the same room as you, believe me!
Toyota Center
1510 Polk Street
Houston, TX
Doors open at 6pm. Get there early! There's nothing like hearing the guy in the same room as you, believe me!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Gallup Polls has Obama at his first statistically significant lead over Hillary
Not a big poll fan, but this one is getting covered at places like reddit so I feel it's worth sharing.
Not a big poll fan, but this one is getting covered at places like reddit so I feel it's worth sharing.
Short list of events
This list only goes a few weeks ahead of time, but that's not bad. Thanks "qazi"
This list only goes a few weeks ahead of time, but that's not bad. Thanks "qazi"
From Texas: Hillary Tells Me I Should Vote for Obama
Former Clinton supporter now on the fence. Good read.
Former Clinton supporter now on the fence. Good read.
For those of you looking for a recent delegate count.
New York Times delegate count, plus the A.P. delegate projection
Obama at 934/1,275
Clinton at 892/1,220
CNN shows Obama at 1,102 pledges and 160 supers, and Clinton at 978 pledged and 235 supers, bringing the totals to:
Obama at 1,262
Clinton at 1,213
New York Times delegate count, plus the A.P. delegate projection
Obama at 934/1,275
Clinton at 892/1,220
CNN shows Obama at 1,102 pledges and 160 supers, and Clinton at 978 pledged and 235 supers, bringing the totals to:
Obama at 1,262
Clinton at 1,213
Friday, February 15, 2008
"urtooez" educates the sheeples.
At 4:11, the top of page 58 of Megathread XIX, poster "urtooez" typed a bunch of words that shall never be forgotton.
"New World Order. Search it in youtube everybody. Get some insider knowledge on what is really going on in our world. Also, check the video Loose Change that ties into the disasters they create. We probably only have three years until the next 911 to get people like this out of power. 9.11.2011 is seriously probably the date of the next big plot. Even these billionaires kids are involved of the secret society that is killing the economy. I say this because this should be the new main issues of the election. Spread the word people. Our world is not about synthetic material of no value. That is why the rich only have handmade elegant things. Everything you buy should be of the most meaning to you, open your own business to make this come true. Just like the rich do but do it in an ethical way. Visit to start your ideas up people don't wait life is too short, don't work for somebody else. Look out for the logo's and respect what you buy. Its 2008 loose weight, as in respect your body and get physically fit. Don't let these companies who know you are eating garbage let you eat it anymore, that's why we are getting fat!! The money you hold represents there control over us, so don't hold it invest it wisely and keep it departed from you.
Eggplant - Exxon... That is real credible,lol...but anyway so far he has my vote.
"New World Order. Search it in youtube everybody. Get some insider knowledge on what is really going on in our world. Also, check the video Loose Change that ties into the disasters they create. We probably only have three years until the next 911 to get people like this out of power. 9.11.2011 is seriously probably the date of the next big plot. Even these billionaires kids are involved of the secret society that is killing the economy. I say this because this should be the new main issues of the election. Spread the word people. Our world is not about synthetic material of no value. That is why the rich only have handmade elegant things. Everything you buy should be of the most meaning to you, open your own business to make this come true. Just like the rich do but do it in an ethical way. Visit to start your ideas up people don't wait life is too short, don't work for somebody else. Look out for the logo's and respect what you buy. Its 2008 loose weight, as in respect your body and get physically fit. Don't let these companies who know you are eating garbage let you eat it anymore, that's why we are getting fat!! The money you hold represents there control over us, so don't hold it invest it wisely and keep it departed from you.
Eggplant - Exxon... That is real credible,lol...but anyway so far he has my vote.
urtooez fucked around with this message at Feb 15, 2008 around 04:16"
Service Employees International Union endorsement
Goon "Fix" brings us this news, regarding one of the larger unions in Ohio
Thursday, February 14, 2008
News from Texas
Posted by "Gorilla Salsa"
":siren: ATTENTION TEXAS GOONS :siren:
The San Antonio Office will be opening on Saturday at 311 3rd St. (Downtown) I got an email/phone call from Marc Williams telling me so, so I know it's official.
Seriously, we need a huge showing in order to get on the News and Talk Radio and such. I'm contacted Xavier the freakin' Rican from 98.5 the beat and asked him to make an announcement.
See you there!"
From "3s box"
Endorsement from Jim Hightower
And from "Bass Concert Hall"
Austin Chronicle Endorsement
Democracy for Texas Endorsement
And some more from "BananaFusion"
I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned, but just to refresh some memories, the Austin campaign office Grand Opening is also this Saturday.
It's located at 816 Congress Ave, so right at the corner of 9th and Congress. Open house from 10am to 2pm, and they're open 9am to 9pm every single day until the election and you can drop on in to volunteer.
More info here:
:siren: It also looks like they're making 100 tickets for the UT debate available to the public. Enter here: :siren:
Also all you Texas goons, here's a flyer about our Texas Two Step:
":siren: ATTENTION TEXAS GOONS :siren:
The San Antonio Office will be opening on Saturday at 311 3rd St. (Downtown) I got an email/phone call from Marc Williams telling me so, so I know it's official.
Seriously, we need a huge showing in order to get on the News and Talk Radio and such. I'm contacted Xavier the freakin' Rican from 98.5 the beat and asked him to make an announcement.
See you there!"
From "3s box"
Endorsement from Jim Hightower
And from "Bass Concert Hall"
Austin Chronicle Endorsement
Democracy for Texas Endorsement
And some more from "BananaFusion"
I'm pretty sure this has been mentioned, but just to refresh some memories, the Austin campaign office Grand Opening is also this Saturday.
It's located at 816 Congress Ave, so right at the corner of 9th and Congress. Open house from 10am to 2pm, and they're open 9am to 9pm every single day until the election and you can drop on in to volunteer.
More info here:
:siren: It also looks like they're making 100 tickets for the UT debate available to the public. Enter here: :siren:
Also all you Texas goons, here's a flyer about our Texas Two Step:
Interview with NJ delgate who switched today
Clinton Superdelegate Defects to Obama: "I'm Not That Important to Them" gets more converting superdelgates
Forum poster "Zhentar" brings us this article:
"Goathead" makes the following observation:
"The great thing about superdelegates defecting from Hillary to Obama is that it closes the gap even quicker. While picking up an endorsement gives him a net +1 gain, a switch from Hillary to Obama gets him a net +2 gain."
"Goathead" makes the following observation:
"The great thing about superdelegates defecting from Hillary to Obama is that it closes the gap even quicker. While picking up an endorsement gives him a net +1 gain, a switch from Hillary to Obama gets him a net +2 gain."
Michelle Obama Speaking Tomorrow in Cincinnati, OH
Feb 15th 2008
doors open at 5:15, rally starts at 6.
Music Hall Ballroom
1241 Elm Street
Cincinnati, OH
Admission free
Thank you goon "loud-bob"
doors open at 5:15, rally starts at 6.
Music Hall Ballroom
1241 Elm Street
Cincinnati, OH
Admission free
Thank you goon "loud-bob"
United Food and Commercial Workers endorse Obama
Thanks to goon "Sgoast" for this. UFCW is apparantly a pretty big union in Wisconsin and Ohio.
Thanks to goon "Sgoast" for this. UFCW is apparantly a pretty big union in Wisconsin and Ohio.
Former R.I. Republican Sen. Chafee Endorsing Obama
with a bonus N.J. superdelegate switching to Obama!
with a bonus N.J. superdelegate switching to Obama!
Goon "President Obama" gets a tattoo
So, I'll probably regret this post more than the act itself(not that I regret it).
I remember a few people pledged around $100 or so if someone were to get an Obama tat.
Well, I got one, so pay up, chumps. :Obama:

Edited for table breakage and to say its not just pure Obamania. I'm a pretty cynical person in general and I need a way to keep myself optimistic.
I remember a few people pledged around $100 or so if someone were to get an Obama tat.
Well, I got one, so pay up, chumps. :Obama:
Edited for table breakage and to say its not just pure Obamania. I'm a pretty cynical person in general and I need a way to keep myself optimistic.
Eggplant999 calculates Obama's money raised
Here are some donation estimations I did for Obama, I figure its accurate, plus or minus $5 million:
Barack Obama's Money Raised:
^2 ($7,596,000 Feb 5 to Feb 7 total) + ($2,000,000 estimated raised Feb 1 to Feb 5 before polls close).
^3 $19,463,434.44 = (134,751 donations) * $144.44 (January average donation).
Barack Obama's Money Raised:
^1 (25,000 donations) * ($144.44 Average January donation). Special donation drive to reach 250,000 donations that day. Beginning amount was 225,000.code:
Jan 1 to Jan 30: $32,500,000
Jan 30: $3,611,111^1
Feb 1 to Feb 7: $9,596,000^2
Feb 8 to Feb 13: $19,463,434.44^3
Total Jan 1 to Feb 13: $65,170,545.55
Total per day Jan 1 to Feb 13: $1,481,148.76
Estimated for rest of Feb: $23,698,380.2
Estimated Feb grand total: $52,757,814.64
Estimated Jan + Feb total: $88,868,925.75
^2 ($7,596,000 Feb 5 to Feb 7 total) + ($2,000,000 estimated raised Feb 1 to Feb 5 before polls close).
^3 $19,463,434.44 = (134,751 donations) * $144.44 (January average donation).
":siren: CALL FOR HELP :siren:
I've started a FAQ section on audacityoftruth:
I'd like to add somewhat detailed policy positions -- for example, take the bullet points written by QF in the OP, and make them in to short paragraphs that will explain not just what he wants to do, but any ways he has outlined toward doing them.
I CAN NOT DO ALL OF THIS BY MYSELF. Some of you are amazing when it comes to policy, some of you just have an hour to spare. Go to his issues page, read, write up a summary, and send it to me, either through PM or to ichesh AT gmail DOT com .
The more things we have handily available and easily readable, the better equipped we are to help sway people to Obama. This is a way you can help. Hey! Even foreigners can help with this!"
- Chesh
I've started a FAQ section on audacityoftruth:
I'd like to add somewhat detailed policy positions -- for example, take the bullet points written by QF in the OP, and make them in to short paragraphs that will explain not just what he wants to do, but any ways he has outlined toward doing them.
I CAN NOT DO ALL OF THIS BY MYSELF. Some of you are amazing when it comes to policy, some of you just have an hour to spare. Go to his issues page, read, write up a summary, and send it to me, either through PM or to ichesh AT gmail DOT com .
The more things we have handily available and easily readable, the better equipped we are to help sway people to Obama. This is a way you can help. Hey! Even foreigners can help with this!"
- Chesh
Obama's Daughter Follows Chelsea Clinton's Lead
Jason Rae, a 21-year-old superdelegate and college student, followed up his well-publicized breakfast with Chelsea Clinton by joining the daughter of Barack Obama for breakfast yesterday at a local McDonald's playpark. Rae was enthusiastic about his visit with both of the famous daughters.
"It was great," Rae said, "she taught me how to make snowflakes out of folded paper."
Natasha, a 7-year-old who can spell the names of everyone in her family, was upbeat after the meeting, hoping that her influence might help keep Rae undecided after being charmed by Chelsea.
"I like his shoes," Natasha Obama said, "they were brown."
Pundits across the nation are wondering whether or not the influence of the "superdelegates" will be something that factors heavily into the race, with many expressing concern that such an outcome might fracture the Democratic party before the election even begins.
"This is really the best shot the Democrats have had at the White House in 20 years," analyst Wes Welker said, "they would be idiots to throw it away on superdelegates being wooed by presidential daughters."
When asked whether or not she might be able to get Rae to pledge support to her father, Natasha was evasive.
"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the toooooown.", the enigmatic 7-year-old said, before jumping up and running to hide behind the couch.
Jason Rae, a 21-year-old superdelegate and college student, followed up his well-publicized breakfast with Chelsea Clinton by joining the daughter of Barack Obama for breakfast yesterday at a local McDonald's playpark. Rae was enthusiastic about his visit with both of the famous daughters.
"It was great," Rae said, "she taught me how to make snowflakes out of folded paper."
Natasha, a 7-year-old who can spell the names of everyone in her family, was upbeat after the meeting, hoping that her influence might help keep Rae undecided after being charmed by Chelsea.
"I like his shoes," Natasha Obama said, "they were brown."
Pundits across the nation are wondering whether or not the influence of the "superdelegates" will be something that factors heavily into the race, with many expressing concern that such an outcome might fracture the Democratic party before the election even begins.
"This is really the best shot the Democrats have had at the White House in 20 years," analyst Wes Welker said, "they would be idiots to throw it away on superdelegates being wooed by presidential daughters."
When asked whether or not she might be able to get Rae to pledge support to her father, Natasha was evasive.
"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the toooooown.", the enigmatic 7-year-old said, before jumping up and running to hide behind the couch.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
McCain adviser won't fight Obama
ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: A top adviser to John McCain said Wednesday that he will step down from the Arizona senator's presidential campaign if the presumed GOP nominee faces Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in the general election.
Thanks Peachstapler
ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports: A top adviser to John McCain said Wednesday that he will step down from the Arizona senator's presidential campaign if the presumed GOP nominee faces Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in the general election.
Thanks Peachstapler
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