Friday, February 15, 2008

"urtooez" educates the sheeples.

At 4:11, the top of page 58 of Megathread XIX, poster "urtooez" typed a bunch of words that shall never be forgotton.

"New World Order. Search it in youtube everybody. Get some insider knowledge on what is really going on in our world. Also, check the video Loose Change that ties into the disasters they create. We probably only have three years until the next 911 to get people like this out of power. 9.11.2011 is seriously probably the date of the next big plot. Even these billionaires kids are involved of the secret society that is killing the economy. I say this because this should be the new main issues of the election. Spread the word people. Our world is not about synthetic material of no value. That is why the rich only have handmade elegant things. Everything you buy should be of the most meaning to you, open your own business to make this come true. Just like the rich do but do it in an ethical way. Visit to start your ideas up people don't wait life is too short, don't work for somebody else. Look out for the logo's and respect what you buy. Its 2008 loose weight, as in respect your body and get physically fit. Don't let these companies who know you are eating garbage let you eat it anymore, that's why we are getting fat!! The money you hold represents there control over us, so don't hold it invest it wisely and keep it departed from you.

Eggplant - Exxon... That is real credible,lol...but anyway so far he has my vote.

urtooez fucked around with this message at Feb 15, 2008 around 04:16"

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